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Who is eligible for assistance from the Sussex Project?

If you live within a 10-mile radius of Newton or Sussex NJ, own your own home, and are unable to complete projects due to a physical or financial issue, then you are eligible to apply.

When will I be contacted about my project?

Our goal is to have someone contact you within three weeks of submitting your application.  If you submitted your application and haven’t heard from anyone in three weeks, please let us know by calling 973-475-5158.

How do I apply for work to be done at my home?

Click here and fill out an application.

What types of projects can the Sussex Project help me with?

Sample projects include indoor/outdoor painting, yardwork (mulching, weeding, trimming), house clean-up, recycling, trash removal, and indoor house cleaning.

Does it cost me anything to receive help?

No!  If your project is selected for the Sussex Project, there is no cost.  Some homeowners choose to help cover costs of materials or give a donation, but nothing is required or expected.

Will I need to be there when the project is being completed?

Yes, our goal is to assist you with your project request and we would love to get to know you better as we help you.

Who will be helping at my house?

This year we have people from at least three Sussex County churches who will be helping during the Sussex Project.